Monday, December 13, 2004

So Many Pages....

15 pages to go!
Methodists have so much history
and I must prove I know it.

Until then
it's type type type
and stall stall stall.

My first semester of seminary
of being a grad student
is over at 5:00pm tomorrow.

in my breathing breaks
I will produce
1) a list of things I can do Wednesday
after exams are done
2) a list of books I might read
over Christmas break.



  1. Things to do Wednesday:
    1) Hang out with Dana, who leaves early the next morning.
    2) Watch television.
    3) Drink Coke.
    4) Make haystacks.
    5) Sweep the leaves from your apartment.
    6) Go to Target.
    7) Eat at Willy's
    8) Read some books that aren't for class.
    9) Take a cue from Katie and do the "my classes are over, the semester is finished" dance up the stairway.
    10) Watch the West Wing
    11) Watch the Daily Show
    12)Paint your toenails.
    13) Read another book.
    14) Go to a coffee shop.
    15) Hang out on TTO.
    16) Hang out on TTO some more.

    Brought to you by Dana, the friend who has been attempting to amuse herself for an anomalous stress-free finals week.

  2. Hey! I vacuumed up the leaves! First time since they started falling, but I did do it. On Friday.
    But I would happily do any number of those other things.
