Saturday, September 15, 2007

soaked. and blurry.

We got this picture yesterday on Candace's phone. We're assembled on the steps of Pitts after what may be the best game of ultimate frisbee in my life...
We stopped playing (and by playing I mean sloshing and sliding around the quad, fumbling for the frisbee) when the lightning and thunder were simultaneous.
It was beautiful. Soggy. Hard to see. Muddddddddy. Delightful. Crazy. Amazing. Just what I needed.

I'm still hoping my car seats will dry without smelling terrible.
Fingers crossed... (and a dryer sheet in the front seat with the windows rolled down).

Rock the heck on.

1 comment:

  1. One of my best memories from college involves exactly this type of day.

    Praise God for awesome storms, good friends, and muddy frisbee games.
