Saturday, February 19, 2005


So, every year I try to give up cussing for Lent.
It has never worked.
I am no good at not cussing.

In college,
I tried every year to give up
cussing and Coca Cola.
That certainly never worked.

It turns out I am addicted
to caffeine and bad words.

My one Lenten success story
was last year:
I gave up Walmart.

I'd give up Walmart again this year
but I don't even know where one is
to give up.

I am trying to say "foo" instead of bad words.


  1. I contend,
    My friend,
    That "foo,"
    Is cussin' too.

    But far be,
    It from me,
    To judge your ass,
    Out of piety.

    I am posting again,
    Only at a blog newly named,
    I've scrubbed it of my "Freeper"
    Stalkable (in)fame(y).

    Some anonymity is a good thing,
    Especially if you can't spell.

    BLOG: El MonO

  2. Ah, I concede to you
    What you say may be true:
    Deleting "@#$%" and Inserting "foo"
    May just be cussing --
    as well.

    For where lies definition?
    In result or intention?

  3. Coca-cola and cussing, yes that is how I remember Beth. Why try to give that up for Lent. Those are things I love about Beth. They are part her "Beth-ness" like Earl Grey Tea, Trident Original Gum and Highlander are part of my "Spider-ness."

    My friend has a cool approach to Lent. Instead of giving up something, he takes on a new positive behavior or action; one more thing to be like Jesus. That may be giving more towards charity, or telling more people that he cares for them. Or for 40 days to not say a negative comment to anybody. (that one is tougher than you think.)

    Anyway, love to Beth and everyone in her world!
