Thursday, October 25, 2007


So, I had heard that ER would be getting a chaplain this season.
We, the seminary crowd, have frequently said "a doctor shouldn't be doing that!" and "augh! where's the chaplain?" when watching ER or Grey's.
Well, it's a weird thing to add a new staff position in such an established series, but I was excited about the possibility. I mean, for a while there was a social worker who was a regular character, so...

Anyway, I've been watching this season out of curiousity. (I used to watch ER every week, but stopped watching last year when that guy was trying to kill Luka.)
So weeks went by... no chaplain.
But tonight, she appeared. She looks normal. She came in, talked softly to the patient to soothe her during a procedure.
And then she says, "do you want to pray?"
The patient nods.
Chaplain says, "we can do it together."
Then they look up again, and the dr. says that the procedure went well.
Chaplain says, "that must have been one hell of a prayer."
Seriously? Seriously.
She didn't actually pray, but she did actually cuss.

However, later she tried to explain to John Stamos that she "has a spiritual life, and a spiritual job, but [she] live[s] in the real world."
So that's helpful.

Anyway, I have mixed feelings about this. I'm glad there's a chaplain, but one of the things I read online said she'd be a "sexy chaplain." I definitely appreciate the attempt at balance between the holy and the human. I do hope that ER tries to, as we'd say in the seminary, live in that tension. And I hope they don't make chaplains look trashy. That's not helpful.
We'll see how it goes.

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