Thursday, November 30, 2006


I'm still sick, but it's a bit better.
I just finished the gallon of OJ I bought on Monday afternoon.
I have definitely been drinking plenty of fluids.
In fact, I think I'll have some hot tea now.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

sniffle, sniffle, sigh

I'm sick.
My brother coughed all over me all weekend.
I have avoided being sick all semester.

I made a pot of veggie beef soup when I got home last night.
Delicious, nutritious, and soothing.

I slept in 2 hour spurts.
I think the next one is coming...

Here's something I remembered yesterday:

One of my favorite things about small, southern country towns is that most gas stations have a kitchen with potato wedges at lunchtime and biscuits in the morning.

I went to my old high school yesterday see a friend of mine who is now a math teacher there, and afterward I stopped at the gas station across the street. I got a bottle of water and a bacon biscuit. Less than $2. Awesome.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Turkey Day

So, my parents have 2 parsonages (houses).
Mom's has beds and satellite.
Phil's has a dining room, cell phone reception, and internet.
Thus, we have shuttled back and forth all weekend.
We slept at Mom's (home -- where our beds and tv is)
but we had Thanksgiving dinner at Phil's.

Just as we were about to start cooking the turkey,
Phil got a message from a church member who had
a half a fried turkey that he wanted to give us.
That was fine with us -- way easier.
So, I made some rockin' mashed potatoes and green beans,
Mom made stuffing, some cranberry something, and several pies.
Shannon made the gravy, and he and Phil both helped with the potatoes.
Now that I've given culinary credit where credit is due,
I'll say that it was quite delicious
and I did not feel compelled to eat until I popped.

Then I took a shower
(I had spent most of T-giving in my pjs),
took a 2 hour nap,
and woke up in time to watch Grey's Anatomy and ER.

Good day.

Friday and Saturday, Shanfro and I went to Charleston.
I heart Charleston.

Good weekend.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm sitting in Brooks Commons
waiting for my project-group-mates.
I have nothing to do while I wait.
I suppose I could read the ethics book in my backpack.
I already tried to call a couple people.
And I'm more than a little sleepy.
Which is weird because I slept plenty.

So, I'll make a list of things I'd rather be doing:
1. eating chocolate chip cookies
2. sitting on the couch in my pjs watching movies (which is what I did all yesterday)
3. taking a nap
4. going out to dinner
5. shopping for new sweaters
6. playing frisbee, though it's a bit cold today
7. doing cartwheels in my office
8. climbing something, or hiding under something
9. talking to someone
10. swinging on the swings at Turner Village with a friend
11. jumping on a trampoline
12. crocheting a scarf
13. climbing a tree (that's more specific than the earlier urge to just climb something)
14. cooking and/or eating turkey
15. listening to the new cds I bought last week

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Peaceful, after John knocked the plant into the lamp onto Jay some times. Posted by Picasa

Candace and Daniel squishing Flowers Posted by Picasa

Lacey and Craiggers, having a spat on the couch... awkward... Posted by Picasa

The gang, full of turkey and/or veggie dumplings. Except Ben walked out of the room when I set up the camera... Posted by Picasa

Spuggles and me giving thanks Posted by Picasa

Dana hacking up the bird (that she and I cooked) at our 2nd annual Potassium Thanksgiving Dinner Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 17, 2006

Turkey Time!

Dana and I have washed and greased the turkey.
And we removed the bags of whatever from inside,
salted and peppered it,
shoved it in a bag,
and now it's cooking at 350.

In about an hour and a half
a bunch of our friends
will descend upon our apartment,
hopefully with side dishes and desserts in hand,
and we will share a meal
and expressions of gratefulness.
No doubt there will be laughter,
and probably some singing.

Russell just got here and said
"I've got some shucking to do."

Life is good.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In Case of Emergencies in the Desert

Don't forget, if you have to jump off -- say, if rapidly approaching a cliff -- hit the ground running.
I suppose that's where that phrase came from. Disgruntled camels gave us a phrase that has been used to increase productivity in corporations nationwide.



I have written a sermon.
A short sermon, but a sermon nonetheless.

Now, I skim the chapter for the quiz and then I sleep!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'm preaching in 9 hours

and I haven't started the sermon.
Who's surprised?

Luckily, a few conversations with friends
and fellow seminarians
along with a few re-readings of the text
have lead me to some decent ideas.

Off to see where this goes...

Monday, November 13, 2006


so, I have a paper due tomorrow.
so, I have written about one page of the required 4.
4 is not that many.
I just don't want to write it.
I am not a good student.
there might be more posts to come.

in other news,
my fingertip is regaining some semblance of normalcy.
the old skin and the new underneath skin have become friends
and are working together.
looks like Dave Scott was wrong
and I won't be losing it after all.

Busy week...

Here's what's going on in my life this week:

campus ministers meeting and meeting re: my life as a PK (already occurred today)
race dialogues
2 fake internship meetings
paper due tomorrow
Candler Thanksgiving dinner
preach on Wednesday morning
Wesley on Wednesday night
lunch with a student
big meeting with Georgia campus ministry peeps, for which I'll miss a class
taking a student to and from the airport
Dana and Beth's famous Tgiving potluck
group meeting for class project

So, if you live near me, go to school with me, or otherwise interact with me regularly, this list is where I'll be this week. Not that it's an unusual list. I'm just saying.

And next week is Thanksgiving. It snuck up on me. But I can sleep then. And play with a kitten. And maybe go to Charleston and wander around.

The semester is rapidly nearing its end. That's crazy.
This post is ridiculous.
Rock on.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Here's what I thought yesterday afternoon:

the weather is gorgeous
the trees are bright and beautiful
dr. erskine brought the word
and the drummers and choir brought the music
samantha had a sandwich when i needed one
i'm wearing striped socks
i got a message from a long lost friend, and this is his birthday
i get to go with a friend from college to a play that stars another friend from college
i'm eating dinner at the flying biscuit
i have a new cd of acoustic foo fighters

I gotta tell ya

I hate exegesis.

Last time, I thought that exegesis and I had worked something out.
I thought we could be friends eventually.
Sorely mistaken.
Severly off-base.
Sadly incorrect.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The OnGoing Saga

If you are an avid BethBlog reader,
or if you just scroll down a bit,
you will recall that I burned the crap out of my fingertip
during my halloween costume assemblage.

Well, when it happened
I had to pull the glue off really quickly
so it wouldn't stick to my finger forever,
and the skin puckered up for a while
before the initial blister formed.
That blister hardened to an odd degree
like a callous, but I've never played guitar.

Just now, that fingertip
seems to have decided to secede from the union.
The skin has once again puckered up,
soft from the shower,
and is beginning to tear away.

What will happen to the rest of my finger
if the tip jumps ship?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Here's what I'm taking next semester:

Images of Christ
Howard Thurman
Public Worship
Religious Education as Transformation
UMC Polity

Rock on. So much classes.