Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Christmas!

The 25th:
* sleeping in
* BACON and eggs with CHEESE
* crazy family fun
* entirely too much food, with the ham and the potatoes and the broccoli salad and the wild rice salad and the regular salad salad and the rolls and the haystacks...
* presents... including jewels, a trivet, books, the traditional calendar, some dvds, coffee from my cousin's shop, and some other nifty whatnots
* brunswick stew leftovers!
* um, and the 1987 World Series, in which my Twins bested the Cards, and of which Shanfro and I watched the first two games. Phil -- who actually remembers the games since he was 37 while Shannon and I were 5 and 9, respectively -- kept asking "Is this when Gagne gets a double?". Shannon kept reading the cliffnotes on the dvd case and saying things like "I bet Hrbek will get out at first." All in all, a good time. And 5 games to go!

The 24th:
* I cannot really remember what happened, except we ate brunswick stew, went to church and hung out with my cousins and the flying monkey.

Rock on.
Hope you had happy days as well!

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