Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mary Magdalene

I feel like I've been writing about her forever.
I shall never finish this 15 page paper.
Only halfway there, and I should be halfway to SC instead.

She's lovely, and I am glad to do a paper on her.
I am just frustrated that I don't know what else to say
and I have so much space left.
In reality, I have not run out of things to say.
I just can't figure out how to say them.

I've talked about the actual passage I'm focusing on
(John 20:1-18 The empty tomb and resurrection)
and how it contrasts and compares with other similar passages.
Right now I'm talking about how John treats other women.
Then I have to talk about how this portrayal of Mary compares
to the portrayal of her in other gospels, including gnostic ones.
Then there's the Mary Mag mythology to debunk:
-- she was not a whore
-- she was not the Mary of Mary and Martha
-- she was not the one who anointed Jesus with oil

Also, the more I work on this paper, the less I like Peter.
Sure, the church is built on him, the Rock.
But he seems like a bit of a dolt, which Judy told us not to be in college.
He's always rushing to do things without pausing or thinking.
And in the gnostics, he's a jerk to Mary Mag.

Alas, now I must go write these things in my paper...


  1. Are you going to touch on the possibility that Mary Magdalene was Jesus's wife? The evidence is there, particularly in that tomb scene. There are only two women in the 1st century Jewish world that Jesus lived in that would have any claim, legal or otherwise, to Jesus's body. His mother and his wife.

    Again, I say possiblity that Jesus and Mary Magdelne were married because there is not much more harder evidence. However, it does explain so much with the whole whore myth and the downplaying of her role in Jesus's life and ministry. Didn't I once give you a book on this topic, "Born of A Women"?

    Anyway, Good Luck with the paper. Interesting topic. If you need someone to read and give feedback on it, email it to me. I'd love to read it.

  2. I didn't include that stuff. It was overwhelming already. I did mention Dan Brown's novel "The DaVinci Code," but not extensively. I didn't really stray too far from the texts I was using, including the gnostics. I'll send it to you.
    You did give me that book, and I haven't actually read it yet. Hopefully, I'll get to it this summer. Thanks!
