Monday, February 21, 2005

Of Varying Importance

Here is a list of things:

1. "The first canon cast or wrought of bronze tended to come apart upon firing, which of course made their use somewhat exciting for all involved. Carved stone cannon balls whose rough edges might catch in the barrel were equally problematic to the cannoneer, who, given his primitive working conditions, was exhorted to fear, honor, and love God more than any other soldier."
-- Carter Lindberg, The European Reformations, p. 38-39

2. I figured out how to print pictures from my computer.

3. a poem by Richard Brautigan:

Xerox Candy Bar

you're just a copy
of all the candy bars
I've ever eaten.

4. My hair is frightfully curly today.
Perhaps the weather?

5. Christian Thought test tomorrow = more posts tonight!

6. In London, there are poems on the tube
where ads might be.
There is a compilation book called "Poems on the Underground."
This is from the parody book, "Poems Not on the Underground."

Hamlet at Kennington

Tube, or not Tube: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The stinks and elbows of obnoxious passengers,
Or to take refuge in your walkman,
And by ignoring end them? To die: to nod off:
No more; and, by nodding off to say we end
The bone-ache, the delays, the thousand disturbances
The Underground is heir to, 'tis an escape
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to have a kip;
To sleep; perchance to miss our stop: ay, there's the rub.

7. I have a lot to read.
Studying is hard.

8. "The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves but in our attitude towards them."
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery

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