Tuesday, February 08, 2005

What I need is...

A whirlwind of productivity!
So much to do!

I have books -- yes plural
to read,
papers to write.
And a personal project to complete.

I am not really a good student.
I am really not a good student.

I need to gain a sense of
unclouded determination!
I must go work!
For hours on end!
I must accomplish my educational goals!
I must first set educational goals!

Rock on.


  1. I know you don't drink coffee, but I find that it often helps me realize my sense of unclouded determination in regards to studying.

  2. Ah, yes, but Coca Cola (my beverage of choice) has just as much crap/caffeine.
    However, even caffeine can't make you want to do what you don't want to do.
    Alas. I am doomed to be a bad student with a caffeine addiction. I must not be in the elect.
