Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm sitting in Brooks Commons
waiting for my project-group-mates.
I have nothing to do while I wait.
I suppose I could read the ethics book in my backpack.
I already tried to call a couple people.
And I'm more than a little sleepy.
Which is weird because I slept plenty.

So, I'll make a list of things I'd rather be doing:
1. eating chocolate chip cookies
2. sitting on the couch in my pjs watching movies (which is what I did all yesterday)
3. taking a nap
4. going out to dinner
5. shopping for new sweaters
6. playing frisbee, though it's a bit cold today
7. doing cartwheels in my office
8. climbing something, or hiding under something
9. talking to someone
10. swinging on the swings at Turner Village with a friend
11. jumping on a trampoline
12. crocheting a scarf
13. climbing a tree (that's more specific than the earlier urge to just climb something)
14. cooking and/or eating turkey
15. listening to the new cds I bought last week

1 comment:

  1. You were typing this around 3:15, eh? You should have called up Dave Scott! I was driving home from work while you were brainstorming. We could have had a marvelous conversation.

    Your loss, mama.
