Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm listening to music

in my office.
I'm supposed to be working on any number of things, including:
- my CPE application, so I can have something to do this summer
- reimbursements for work, so I can have some money
- reading for class tonight, so I don't look like a total idiot
- reading for my 4 classes tomorrow, so I don't look like a total idiot
- reading for class Wednesday, so I don't look like a total idiot
- planning the Wesley programs for the semester
- writing a recommendation letter for one of my students
- unloading all the drinks I bought for Wesley yesterday that are still piled in my back seat
- getting the Sentra a long-overdue oil change

So, um, maybe I'll go do some of that stuff.
I will at the very least drink a Coke and listen to more music.

Also, I must mention that it is insanely cold today.
It's bright and clear, and really freakin' chilly.
John and Russell went running, and John said that at one point
Russell told him that there was ice on the hood of his sweatshirt.
His sweat had frozen.
That, my friends, is really cold. And really gross.

Good day, now.


  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    yes, today is what we, in IL, call a snot freezer.

    its pretty gross when you go inside and within minutes your nose starts running...

  2. Two quick thoughts:

    1) It was my experience at Candler that those who "overread" in preparation for class were the ones who most often ended up looking like total idiots. You know the type...trying to appear especially informed and/or looking to score brownie points with a faculty member who couldn't care less about being admired.

    2) That Wesley sounds really damn thirsty. Maybe his strange warming of the heart is truly acid reflux from all the soda he chugs down.
