Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"We're All in This Together..."

I woke up yesterday to hot tea in bed, which my aunt evidently does every morning. I got ready and my aunts and I took the Metro to DC. Instead of it being overrun with people wanting to pay their respects to a dead president, most people must have thought everything was shut down for the national day of mourning. There were very few folks around. My aunts and I saw the Rembrandt exhibit at the National Gallery of Art. I quickly popped through a photo exhibit about NYC, and found the William Blake paintings in the British Romantics exhibit.
I dig museums, and I love art. It was good.

After lunch at the museum, we headed back to their house. I packed the car and headed for Richmond, just in time for rush hour. Because I am a genius.
The slow traffic just gave me lots of time to listen to Ben Lee, with "Gamble Everything for Love" on repeat. When I needed a rest stop, I pulled off the interstate, found a Best Buy, and bought "The Crane Wife" by the Decemberists which has the song "Sons and Daughters" on it. I had told Anjie that it was weird for that song to be so uplifting and fun because most of The Decemberist songs I've heard have been about death or war. So, it turns out that most of the rest of the album is in fact about death or war, and even our newly beloved song talks about coming out of the bunkers, keeping arms to shoulders, and the bombs fading away. I think it's the cinnamon that makes it so cheery. And the dirigibles.

So, I got to Mollie's in time for dinner last night. I played with her daughter for a few minutes, and then Mollie and I headed out for some mexican food (and margaritas). Dinner was delicious and we quickly caught each other up on the major excitements in our respective lives. Of course, we had to stop for some cheesecake before going back to her house, where we talked about college adventures and friends until we were both ready to fall asleep on the couches. Since her girl is sick, she's been home today, so we've spent the morning watching America's Top Model and looking at my pictures on my computer.

I love how it's possible to be so much yourself around someone even if you haven't seen them for years.

I posted a couple pictures from my early VA exploits, and more will come...
For now, I must be off, headed southward toward G'boro! I need to go wander around the old college and see what they've done to the place, sit on the swing, climb a tree...

"I say GC, you say Pride.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    thank you soooooooo much for working us into your US tour..well not so much US as southeastern...kinda...well you know! haha~anyway it was awesome to hang out with you and dinner, cheesecake and some mild shopping were fantastic! hope to see you again soon~ thanks again for dinner---i could have fought you to the death on that one...:) have fun on the rest of your travels. looking forward to reading all about it!!!
