Friday, March 11, 2005


you know when you love a band
and then they get popular
and their music is crap?
or when your childhood hero
sells out and is on Surreal Life?
and you're just so disappointed
because it's like they let you down
by not maintaining their old standards...

here i am
eating a "strawberry" fruit rollup
that has not a bit of strawberry in it.
the main ingredient?
evidently pears are the new strawberries.

i ate the first one
and it tasted different
i had noticed the familiar strawberry seeds missing
several boxes ago
but just let myself believe
that they got better blenders.
but with the tangy-ness
i checked the box
and no strawberries are in the rollup.

dismay. shock. horror. woe.
nostalgia for days of rollups with seeds
and appropriately labeled fruit...

1 comment:

  1. Also, whatever happened to FruitSnacks?

    I'm not talking about small gummy candy-fruits in the shape of cartoon characters or animals, but the plain old moon-shaped, matte colored grape and cherrry FruitSnacks.

    Those were the golden days of snack foods, a package of FruitSnacks and a box of Juicy Juice.
