Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm wearing a purple raincoat

because it's DREARY!
It's all gray and hazy and misty outdoors.
Yesterday was GORGEOUS. And I loved it. Sun, blue sky, light breeze...
No more.
Rain, you are tedious!

However, something to be glad about
is that I have a giant purple flower pen
to write with that Candace made for me.
It's pretty ridiculous. Also it's pretty. And it's ridiculous.

Dave Scott is on our couch.
I mean maybe not right this second,
but he has been sleeping and sometimes lounging there
for the past week
and the weather has extended his stay one more night.
He said this to me at breakfast yesterday:
"The majority of my leisure activities involve exercising my id."
(Maybe he said "exorcising" -- it's hard to tell the difference in pronunciation,
and although I used context clues like we were taught in elementary school
I may well have made the wrong vowel assumption.)

We have also gotten to hear loads of stories
recounting Dave Scott facilitating the learning of small children.
* Trapezoid. Auuuuggggh!!! Dodecahedron. WOAHHHHH!!
* Benevolent... Malevolent!


  1. The word I used, Beth, was "exorcise" as in, "I have exorcised the demons!"

    If my leisure activities consisted primarily of "exercising" my id, my little world would be heavily populated with victims of my inner rage and repressed libido. Thankfully, the wonderful tools of sublimation and catharsis have allowed me to be a peaceful, respectful man.

    And I'm glad my teaching stories have proven to be such a hit with everyone. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until just now that I never showed you all my rendition of Kyle's excited walk. (Kyle is the kindergartener with lukemia/Down's that I've mentioned previously on my own blog.) That kid is a legend.

  2. Oh how I want to see that rendition! Laughing terribly even just thinking about it. Note to self, when Dave comes to visit, be sure he shows me Kyle's walk ...
