Wednesday, March 28, 2007

magnetic poetry in my office

* you look a little lost but fascinating
* together everybody was beautiful
* it's lunchtime
* don't worry I is eating
* dude nice pants!
* we like cute fabulous brilliant...whatever between
* delirious flower this is naptime
* she likes rock & roll beauty
* he wanted good food good times outrageous people
* yeah right she is hanging out with our hero
* the boring woman was his clown love
* family is different
* soon the comfort of sleep
* she let out a sweet laugh
* oh boy she wasn't queen you're bling?
* he liked serious drink dark
* you are a good friend
* this is that light secret smile

1 comment:

  1. I most enjoy: "the boring woman was his clown love." Who would have thought clown love could be boring? Irritating certainly, but not boring.
