Thursday, March 08, 2007

TO DO List for the next 36 hours:

1.) Finish Bonhoeffer's Ethics. I've read about 1/3 of the book, and it's crunch time so the rest will be skimmed heartily.
2.) Write 10 pages (which we all know really means 8 and 1/2) about Ethics by 5pm tomorrow.
3.) Write a worship reflection for 8am tomorrow. This will also require reading (obviously I mean skimming) something. And I bet I'm supposed to go to class, too.
4.) Go to a Candler student gov't meeting at lunch tomorrow. I sure hope there's food.
5.) Find someone to go with me to pick up the rental van, and then go pick up the rental van.
6.) Shop for the mission trip. This will include purchasing 5 pairs of gloves and safety goggles, 3 hammers, and 5 airmattresses. (Matt added 3 lbs. chicken and 4 basketball nets to the list, which is funny because he's vegetarian and not that tall.)
7.) Pack supplies for the mission trip.
8.) Pack my own stuff for the mission trip.
9.) Get donuts.
10.) Load the van for the trip at 7:30am Saturday, and roll out at 8am for southern Alabama.



  1. you've done more than that in previous 36 hour periods. heck, i did more than that in the last 36 hours. and you freak out wayyyy less than me about doing many things at once. godspeed. and have fun!

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM


    I found it oddly surprising that there was nothing on the list concerning bacon. I feel this should be added for a couple of reasons:

    1. its tasty and delicious

    2. it makes any situation more bearable (and more tasty)

    3. seriously...when was the last time you've had a piece? you know its been way too long.

    4. its spring break and what is spring break without some delicious fried pork product?

    5. umm...did I mention its delicious?!

  3. So, here's the update:
    I skipped class this morning and didn't do the reflection yet. I also skipped the student gov't meeting, and instead ate some BACON.
    I've written 4 pages, and I read/skimmed 2/3 of the book.

    Back to work!
