Monday, December 18, 2006

It's the middle of the night

and I'm working in the main Emory library for the first time since I started school here 2 and a half years ago.
I'm sitting with Candace, Sara and Parker on the main floor near the elevator, and it keeps dinging.
These college chickadees with their 80s throwback clothes and hair make me think Molly Ringwald is going to stop by any minute and put on lipstick with her cleavage.

More stuff I've learned:
* It's hard to be sneaky in cordoroys.
* I want some cookies.
* You know how in movies when they show college libraries, they have a huge room with rows of long tables with little lamps on them? Well, it's true. I was there, in that room, earlier.
* Snacks are helpful when trying to stay awake and write. (Sara and I took a field trip.)
* They will kick you out of the library for being too loud, but not for doing lunges while you walk.

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